my life is a wandering. a journey. a rollercoaster. a finding of the Needle upon which this all spins. let's just say i have a Secret to tell you.


we are like the aspen trees

a single root structure

old and broken

a single root structure


beauty in taos

that's not a real tattoo. i want something like it eventually, though. taos is beautiful. i'd live in the desert if it meant having a community like that.

i love it here. wish i had better books to read. maybe i'll order a couple on amazon. any suggestions?

snow patrol live acoustic CD. get it.

i like talking to you.


moonlight and mountains

I may be listening to Sigur Ros, but the sound of God and Mars is ringing in my head.
I cannot run without it. The mint mocha chip frapp taste still burns on my tongue from that drive and tastes like tears.
You wouldn't really understand, and that's okay. It's like the taste in your mouth when you eat something bitter, then follow that with a soothing sweet taste. it covers it up but it still lingers.

Emotions flare up every time I come close to something new.

The sun glares down at me as if I have done something wrong to it, and it doesn't forgive.
It's a desert out here.

Here I am, in that old place again, down on my face again.
How long will it take?
And how long will I have to wait.

Just realized I've had my iTunes on shuffle for about an hour and haven't changed a single song.

And my jeans are two tones lighter. (and tanner)

I talked last night under the moonlight for hours. Then I swung. Upside down. I feel a habit coming on.


get better

Forget all your politics for a while.
Let the color schemes arrive.
Come onboard, it's a curious sight.
Absorbing sound that's never been right.
Never ahead of, never behind it.
Occasionally guarded, just keeps us surrounded.
It's luck.

Everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better.

I propose a less serious boat.
But don't mistake it for a party of jokes, who are never ahead of, never behind us.
Floating in circles there's more to remind them of less.

Everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better.
Done. I'm done. I'm done.


bright moonlight

I can't even begin to tell you how great this is. We ate at a local coffeeshop in a near town last night. I don't even need Starbuck's anymore. And that's saying a lot. Starbuck's has nothing on this place. I bought bracelets I hadn't seen since I was twelve. Then we drove back. It was four girls, an open highway, a bright moon and the perfect sound.

Some people think you have to be drunk to have fun. Untrue. I know a thing or two about having fun.

My tent collapsed today. Luckily my roommate and I were working. I'm kind of upset. I put a lot of trust in that tent.


just a little closer.

Last night I spent hours talking about Jesus with my brothers and sisters. Hours. We prayed together. We prayed with Jesus.

We saw eight shooting stars, at least one of them probably a comet. Amongst the shadow of the Cross. I named a constellation. It's called 'Explosion.' Because it looks like a huge star exploded and left the remnants of tiny stars in a burst. If you see it in your sky tonight, let me know. I want you to know that I am with you. I think about my brothers and sisters a lot. I just know I'd be nothing without you.

The Holy Spirit is real. He doesn't live in Columbia, SC. He isn't bounded by the walls of a church building. In fact, the church is outside. It is everywhere. The Earth is His and all things in it. The Holy Spirit is everywhere you are. It is what drives you to love. It is what brings you to tears. It is what breaks you and molds you. It is what brings you joy to keep you alive. It is the Communicator. You can be confident because the Holy Spirit takes your aching and crying and explains it to your Father. It is your Comforter. Maybe a God shaped hole isn't quite enough. Maybe it is a God shaped container with which you choose to fill with goodness and holiness or ugliness. Jesus and the Cross is the filter through which the bad things are behind and the race has begun. Your heartbeat is the Lord. Your breath is the breath of the Lord. Your feet move to the rhythm of the Spirit's guidance. He is your eyes closed He is your eyes open.

...and I fly so high.



Trading Post
Philmont Scout Ranch
47 Caballo Rd.
Cimarron, NM 87714

it's nice to know there are brothers and sisters thousands of miles away.
we are related through obedience, not blood.
Lord you are good and you never fail.


taos is still ten feet deep in snow

day off = hiking.

We went to Taos to hike the Mt. Wheeler area, tallest mountain in NM. Ended up not hiking the trail because it was buried under ten feet of snow. Sweet! Turned into an hour of snowball fights and snow tag.

Taos doesn't have Starbuck's. But we went to a couple local coffee shops. Oh, and Rocky Mt. Chocolate Factory. The mocassin stores were closed by the time we got there though.

Morning off tomorrow. Sweet!


i really want starbuck's.


...and thousands more Your glory shines.

my compositional skills left me at the bottom of the mountain.
oh, and that's colorado.
photoshop isn't worthy for pictures like these.

my brother is a model. i am his personal photographer.
me. 9003 ft higher than you. this was the hardest and longest hike i've ever taken. my lungs were burning and the sun was piercing and the water was necessary not wanted. i played frisbee later that night. and ate a lot of ice cream.

for thousands of miles

first hike of the day. 1 mile. a joke compared to the next hike.

common diet. decent.
see that peak up there? that's where we ended up 2.5 hours later.

who i am

My photo
everything has been made by a Designer

my books

  • I Am Not But I Know I Am by Louie Giglio
  • Reaching For the Invisible God by Philip Yancey
  • Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller
  • Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

my artists

  • Band of Horses
  • Cool Hand Luke
  • Enter the Worship Circle
  • Jimmy Eat World
  • Oasis
  • Robbie Seay Band


going back in time